Saturday, June 26, 2010


Brooke and Caitlyn went on the Mapleton North Stake Pioneer Trek June 23rd - June 26th. They were really clean when they left. 
 This is Brooke with her brother & sisters in her family. Brooke is the first girl (left to right) on the back row. 
This is Brooke's Pioneer family. The Averett's were her Ma & Pa. 
Brooke enjoyed shooting the bow & arrow and all the other fun activites!
Taking a break - Brooke getting the bugs out of her ears!
Zac Asbell washing Brooke's hair in the bucket! Wow - it felt soooo good!
Brooke and Zac sawing the log. They won the contest in their group!
Brooke's favorite activity was the dance! She had a great time learning new dances!
The last push! This is the handcart nearing the end of the trail - 17 miles!
Brooke and her brother Zac. They did survive as the Big Brother and Sister of their family!
Brooke telling her pa goodbye!
The handcarts!
This is the first aid trailer! The kids loved decorating it!
Caitlyn pulling her handcart! 
Caitlyn with her pioneer family!
Caitlyn - Is that dirt on your face or are you really tan? She survived and had a wonderful experience!
Catie's last pull! 
The End! This was a wonderful experience for Brooke and Catie. 300 youth from our area went and they made a lot of new friends and learned what is means to work together.  They gained a great appreciation for our Pioneers!
(You will notice there are many pictures of Brooke - Catie did not even take her camera out of her bag) but that's ok! It was worth it!!