Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ann's 40th Birthday!

My 40th birthday was Sunday, September 13th. I got to spend the weekend in the mountains at Aspen Grove. What a marvelous 40 years I have had. I have the 2 most wonderful parents I could have ever asked for. They taught me from day one the values of hard work and being happy. I was born and raised in Mississippi (what a beautiful place). I had fun and exciting school days being a cheerleader, playing in the band, taking piano lessons and having great friends. I got a college education and moved to Utah to finish my education. I married the greatest man for me! Mike supports me in everything I do (yes, even BYU football). We have been married for almost 20 years and happy as can be. Then I had 2 girls, Brooklyn and Caitlyn. They bring us so much joy and laughter. They are awesome kids! We would be lost without them. I have always been blessed with a good job. I currently work for the National Kidney Foundation of Utah & Idaho. It is very rewarding each day as I help kidney dialysis patients. I am healthy and happy to be 40! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!